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Clare Davis, giftware artist and  designer
Below is a selection of some of the different styles I use in my artwork. It isn't exhaustive but hopefully it gives you a chance to see what it is I'm about!
Loose, pattern-based overlaid designs in pen and Indian ink. These designs could be used as background or surface designs for textiles such as bed linen.
I use watercolours for real life and characters. Loosely-drawn sketches in pencil are over-painted in semi-traditional watercolour fashion. Sometimes I'll overwork the watercolour with different media such as pen and ink and pencil crayons. The results can be used as a design for just about anything - from conceptual art to 3-d figures.
Pen drawing... with a trusty Bic Biro... is one of my favourite ways of creating conceptual artwork or capturing the detail of still life; it's a fast medium that suits my spontaneous and fairly impatient personality!
I also enjoy mixing media to create unusual stylistic effects. These designs utilise a watercolour base overworked with pen and ink to lend depth and texture which might otherwise be missing.
These are examples of how I use glass paint in conjunction with specialist glitters to create designs which are sparkly, witty and aimed at a younger generation. The materials used help the designs to retain their sense of spontaneity; the choice of medium is critical to the subject matter.
Clare Davis, giftware artist and designer Clare Davis, giftware artist and designer Samples of Clare Davis artwork Licence agreements from Clare Davis